A philosophical fantasy in the Art Nouveau style on the theme of dreams.
A birds dream or Zhuangzi?
- When I dreamed that I was a bird, I was flying and did not realize that I was Zhuangzi, who was dreaming. Thats the thing. I woke up in the morning, and the first thing I thought was, "I am not a bird at all, but Zhuangzi." But now I am sitting in front of you and I cannot understand: am I Zhuangzi, who in his dream thought that he was a bird, or, perhaps, am I a bird who is now sleeping and in his dream sees that he is Zhuangzi?
A birds dream or Zhuangzi?
- When I dreamed that I was a bird, I was flying and did not realize that I was Zhuangzi, who was dreaming. Thats the thing. I woke up in the morning, and the first thing I thought was, "I am not a bird at all, but Zhuangzi." But now I am sitting in front of you and I cannot understand: am I Zhuangzi, who in his dream thought that he was a bird, or, perhaps, am I a bird who is now sleeping and in his dream sees that he is Zhuangzi?