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Temple of Pimen the Great at dusk

Dobrovolskaya Gayane. Temple of Pimen the Great at dusk
canvas/oil 50cm x 60cm 2022

Price 355 USD

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Publication date: 2024.01.08
Other artworks of the artist:
The temple of Pimen the Great in Novye Vorotniki (near the Novoslobodskaya metro station) is depicted. It is beautiful in any weather, and in the winter twilight, when the lanterns are already lit, it is especially beautiful.
At the Moscow vorotniks (gatekeepers at the city gates) the settlement Vorotniki was located near Tverskaya Street. Then they were moved to the suburbs. Here another Vorotnikovskaya settlement was formed. In 1696-1702, a new stone church was built. In 1825, the temple was built fence. In 1870, a new design of the facade and bell tower was approved. The architectural style of the church is Russian baroque.
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