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The girl in the flowers of meadowsweet

Dobrovolskaya Gayane. The girl in the flowers of meadowsweet
canvas/oil 60cm x 80cm 2015

Price 356 USD
711 USD  

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Genre: Nudes
Publication date: 2021.11.01
Other artworks of the artist:
On the impressions of painting nude in the open air.
Dobrovolskaya Gayane
Kasimov, Cathedral Square, morning, summer
Dobrovolskaya Gayane. Kasimov, Cathedral Square, morning, summer
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Dobrovolskaya Gayane
Moscow, Chistoprudny Boulevard, summer
Dobrovolskaya Gayane. Moscow, Chistoprudny Boulevard, summer
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Dobrovolskaya Gayane
Suzdal, Monastery of the Deposition of the Robe at dawn
Dobrovolskaya Gayane. Suzdal, Monastery of the Deposition of the Robe at dawn
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Dobrovolskaya Gayane
Kasimov, autumn, Sovetskaya street
Dobrovolskaya Gayane. Kasimov, autumn, Sovetskaya street
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Dobrovolskaya Gayane
Homage to Camille Claudel, based on her photo
Dobrovolskaya Gayane. Homage to Camille Claudel, based on her photo
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Dobrovolskaya Gayane
The actors of italian comedy
Dobrovolskaya Gayane. The actors of italian comedy
297 USD
593 USD

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