Veliky Ustyug, Church of the Ascension, sunset after a thunderstorm
Author: Dobrovolskaya Gayane

canvas/oil 80cm x 60cm 2016
The Church of the Ascension is located in Veliky Ustyug on Sovetsky Avenue. It was built in the middle of the seventeenth century. By the end of the 17th century, the monument had a picturesque composition close to the one that has survived to this day. In the eighteenth century, the old onion (bulbous) domes were replaced by faceted ones with interceptions. The bell tower was also rebuilt, which in the second half of the 18th century, instead of a tent, acquired two ringing octals and a crowning spire with an angel figurine.
Against the background of thunderclouds, the bell tower and the domes dazzlingly sparkled in the rays of the setting sun, as well as the trunks of birch trees.
Against the background of thunderclouds, the bell tower and the domes dazzlingly sparkled in the rays of the setting sun, as well as the trunks of birch trees.