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Pogozhev Ivan

Painting (10 artworks)

In eius patria castellum floret
В родном селе лилии цветут
Picnic in the village Kazinka
Пикник в селе Казинка
Village Saranovskoe
Село Шабановское
Portrait of a friend
Портрет друга

Graphics (3 artworks)

Triptych "the Twentieth century or Light antics of the yellow devil".Right part. "The newspaper "Tomorrow", 1991»
Триптих «Двадцатый век или Легкие шалости желтого дьявола».Правая часть. «Газета «Завтра», 1991 год»
Triptych "the Twentieth century or Light antics of the yellow devil".Central part. "1991. Time of troubles»
Триптих «Двадцатый век или легкие шалости желтого дьявола».Центральная часть. «1991 год. Смутное время»
Triptych "the Twentieth century or light antics of the yellow devil". The left part " Chronicle of the October events of 1917"
Триптих "Двадцатый век или легкие шалости желтого дьявола". Левая часть "Хроника Октябрьских событий 1917 года"


Pogozhev Ivan Mikhailovich was born in 1947 in the village of Kazinka, Stavropol territory. First his teacher says K. G. Kazanina – one of the famous painters of his time. He graduated from Krasnodar Art College (1969-1973гг.). The author of the project of the memorial square devoted to memory of the fallen inhabitants of the village Kazinka of Stavropol Krai of times of Civil and great Patriotic war, fellow villagers of the author. Member of the "Association of Kuban Artists" since 1993 Member of the Board of TKH. Honored artist of Kuban. Participant of city, regional, regional, zonal exhibitions. Laureate, diploma holder, prize-winner of art competitions from the administration of Krasnodar region.
Pogozhev I. M.: "the Nature of the small Motherland shaped my color taste, and the example of the expediency of peasant labor gave an understanding that every stroke, every stroke should be filled with meaning…»
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Thunderstorm approaching
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Safronov Nikas. Blooming fields in the south of Germany
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