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Tykhomirov Alexander

Sculpture (25 artworks)

Pirate in parade
Пират при параде
A pirate with white cuffs
Пират в белых манжетах
Pelican fish
Old music...
В бой идут... ракурс 2

Decor (22 artworks)

Tasters (in the workshop)
Дегустаторы (в мастерской)
Machinist's Assistant
Помощник машиниста
The Seventh Gnome
Седьмой гном


Russian, the artist in ceramic, the inventor of the USSR, scientist.
The Simple Method for the Prevention Flu, Covid-19 and Acute Seasonal Respiratory Infections.
Tichomirov Aleksandr, PhD immunology, epidemiology. - -

There is the simple and effective method of flu prevention with essential oils.
It was successfully administrated over the past many years in kindergartens, high schools and adult collectives in Russia and Ukraine.
Sure that, it will be the progressive addition for mechanical methods the prevention covid-19 (such as use of medical gloves, masks etc.):
1. In this method a portion of essential oils (basil, mint or lavender) should be applied onto a strip of paper which is a part of a fan air stream.
The optimal concentration of essential oils is 1-5 mg/m3 in an air. People could rest or work in this room during 30-40 min.
It would be very handy procedure especially for those people who need to work in collectives, or contact with people who needs to be observated.
10-14 such sessions one time a day will be enough to stimulate the immune system and prevent a lot of people not being infected. At any case, infected people will have a milder illness. Such effective antiviral procedure can be carried out in a short time period within a range of each family or collective of workers.
2. Now during the pandemic it will be very handy to use the masks, contained essential oils: the mask will becomes a container (source) from which persons inhales essential oil in a safe and healthy form, also the masks acquires its own antibacterial properties: 1-2 drops of 1% solution essential oil in ethanol is the optimal volume for mask 1 time a day.
Since March 2020, such information has been sent to the Ministrys of Health of Italy, Germany, Pakistan, China, Japan, USA, Russia, Ukraine and some WHO offices.
Skromova Marina
Skromova Marina. Untitled
749 USD
Rodries Jose
Spanish bullfight N2
Rodries Jose. Spanish bullfight N2
608 USD
Oligerov Alexander
Heavenly dessert
Oligerov Alexander. Heavenly dessert
2064 USD
Lyamin Nikolay
Winter landscape, stacks
Lyamin Nikolay. Winter landscape, stacks
103 USD
206 USD
Krasnova Nina
In the color of lanterns
Krasnova Nina. In the color of lanterns
433 USD
Мorozov Viktor
Golden apples of the Hesperids
Мorozov Viktor. Golden apples of the Hesperids
11243 USD

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