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Author: Zelikov Oleg
Zelikov Oleg. Paris
canvas/oil 70cm x 50cm 2024
The artwork is framed

Price 810 USD

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Publication date: 2024.07.29
Other artworks of the artist:
A cozy Parisian street with a charming house, decorated with balconies and flowers, beckons the viewer in the very heart of the French capital.
Behind this miniature house, as if in a scene from a romantic film, rises the famous Eiffel Tower - the symbol of Paris, proudly soaring upward.
The warm golden sky creates a feeling of comfort and tranquility, as if inviting the viewer to stroll along this quiet Parisian street, stop at a house with flowers and admire the sights of the city on the main street.
This picture conveys all the beauty and charm of everyday life in Paris, where modernity is combined with age-old traditions.
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