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Unicorn Masquerade

Author: Vinter Vera
Vinter Vera. Unicorn Masquerade
canvas/acrylic 100cm x 60cm 2024

Price 16619 USD

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Style: Abstract
Publication date: 2024.10.27
Other artworks of the artist:
Venice is wonderful! The noise of the carnival, laughter and jokes sound like an endless song. All the ladies and gentlemen are wearing marvelous masks. Try and guess! Who came from which fairy tale.
And so a miracle came to the carnival - a unicorn. Hurry to make a wish and whisper it in his ear. There is a belief that it is destined to come true.
Against the dark background of the painting, individual fragments of the image stand out as light and bright spots. Bright flashes of flame seem to enclose the images in a single whole and at the same time give the whole action dynamics and sparkle. The intent gaze of the mask seems to attract the viewers gaze, fascinates and draws him into a fabulous mystical event. One more moment and everything can disappear. You just need to be imbued with the spectacle, imprint the wonderful moment in your memory and save it until the next opportunity to find yourself in a fairy tale.
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