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The little lady

Holodova Liliya. The little lady
canvas/oil 40cm x 30cm 2024
Available only for commission

296 USD

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Genre: Portrait
Publication date: 2024.02.26
Other artworks of the artist:
A childs portrait based on your photo to order.
There is a good photo of your child, but small.
If the facial features are clearly visible, I will be able to paint it in a larger size, in a modern manner.
I work with 50% prepayment.
The deadline for execution is at least 14 days after the contract and prepayment. The oil should have time to dry.
If it is to be shipped across Russia, the work will be painted on canvas stretched on cardboard so that it is not damaged.
Or we can discuss the shipment itself in the crate.
I am sending works across Russia at the expense of the customer.
The price for other sizes of portraits:
40x30 cm. - 15,000 rubles. (Face only)
50x40 cm. - 18,000 rubles. (without hands) - 22,000 rubles. (with hands)
60x50 cm. - from 25,000 rubles.
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