Nude sitting in a pose girl
110 x 75 cm
3513 USD
Born in 1980 in the city of Krasnodar. Studied under the guidance of Kravchenko G.U. Graduated from the Department of Painting Khudgraf KubGU with a Red diploma in 2002. He studied at the postgraduate school, defended his thesis Semasiological foundations of portrait description in Russian art in 2005. Participant of exhibitions and competitions since 2002 in Krasnodar and abroad. Winner of the 2003 Biennale competition. Experience of painting a portrait for more than 20 years. I paint portraits, landscapes and in the nude genre in giperrealism and realism styles. I can create a portrait or do a custom job in another genre. I prefer pastel painting! I use classical, realistic and giperrealistic drawing methods and my own achievements in painting, graphics and dry pastel techniques. I use high-quality art materials of foreign production - French paper, pastels - German and French, varnish for pastels. When ordering and buying, you can arrange the work in a baguette and send it in a wooden crate by mail, or only send a pastel sheet with the work by mail in a wooden box. The work is sent to any point in Russia.