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Aniva cape

Katrenko Vyacheslav. Aniva cape
canvas/oil 50cm x 70cm 2013
The artwork is framed

Price 350 USD

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Genre: Seascape
Style: Realism
Publication date: 2023.08.18
Other artworks of the artist:
Nothing lasts forever. Lighthouse on Cape Aniva, majestic, beautiful, formidable. Its Still standing and fighting the elements: the sea, winds, fogs... time. People left and abandoned this giant, he looking now by the sunken windows and doors, turning black and rusting. Like a decrepit old man leaning on a cane, with sadness and hope in his eyes, dark and deep. He is waiting for someone to remember him, and bring, perhaps, a glass of water. Wait a little longer, fearsome giant, perhaps soon will be water and new clothes and new guests. The government plans to restore it. We are looking forward to your reborn!
The painting is painted on Italian linen on a stretcher, by Master class oil paints
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