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A quiet evening on the Griboyedov Canal

Melnikov Aleksandr. A quiet evening on the Griboyedov Canal
canvas/oil 35cm x 30cm 2022

Price 237 USD

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Publication date: 2023.07.12
Other artworks of the artist:
The unique atmosphere of the evening Petersburg. Silhouettes of houses on the embankment of the Griboyedov Canal have already been illuminated by bright lights of lanterns, warm light is flickering in the windows, and the sky glows with blue and lilac colors and all this beauty is reflected in the gladness of the water, touched by a slight excitement - a favorite time for walking along the quiet embankments of the city. The painting is painted in the artists favorite impressionistic manner. Light, large strokes of cold colors echo the vibration of hot strokes of bright color.
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Melnikov Aleksandr. At the end of May, at the Senate
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