No Judgement" series
This series was started at the end of 2020, the year of the Covid-19 pandemic. I continue to work with such theme like personal centration and internal sources activation for building internal support foundations in this series.
This series is a free flow of mixing feelings and energies in the present moment. The future and the past do not exist. Only the moment here and now does matter. All that really matters is inside of you right now. Its only need to stop, discard all judgements, abandon outdated thinking patterns, look inside yourself and see the light - the support that is always with you.
This series was started at the end of 2020, the year of the Covid-19 pandemic. I continue to work with such theme like personal centration and internal sources activation for building internal support foundations in this series.
This series is a free flow of mixing feelings and energies in the present moment. The future and the past do not exist. Only the moment here and now does matter. All that really matters is inside of you right now. Its only need to stop, discard all judgements, abandon outdated thinking patterns, look inside yourself and see the light - the support that is always with you.