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Kuznetsova Yuliya

Painting (9 artworks)

Birch gold
Золото берёз
К счастью
Field daisies
Ромашки полевые


Kuznetsova Yulia Yurievna.
Born in 1981 in Konakovo, Tver region. Graduated from art school in my hometown, in Tver Art Technical named after Venetsianov and the Faculty Fine Arts of Moscow State University named after Sholokhov.
The "edge of inspiration" for me was a small homeland - a city where a pine forest is noisy, where the beautiful Volga flows and where a small river silvers in the sun.
However, my works will tell about the love of native nature best of all.
I work in the genres of landscape and still life, in a classical manner.
Participant of city, district and regional exhibitions.
Many works are in private collections in Russia and abroad.
Serechenko Andrey
Serechenko Andrey. Mood
308 USD
Serebrennikova Larisa
Znamensky Cathedralis (ante restitutionem)
Serebrennikova Larisa. Znamensky Cathedralis (ante restitutionem)
198 USD
Malyusova Tatiana
A series of "Shore lights"-2. Rhodes
Malyusova Tatiana. A series of "Shore lights"-2. Rhodes
330 USD
Gerasimov Vladimir
Gerasimov Vladimir. Kosino
717 USD
Poluyan Yelena
Chistye Prudy
Poluyan Yelena. Chistye Prudy
606 USD
Garcia Luis
Garcia Luis. Mountains
2426 USD

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