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A shining moment in November

Lebedev Vladimir. A shining moment in November
canvas/oil 50cm x 70cm 2024

Price 1423 USD

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Genre: Landscape
Publication date: 2024.12.30
Other artworks of the artist:
The weather was rather gloomy at the end of November.
Suddenly, gaps began to form in the clouds, through which the sun began to paint the almost black-and-white surroundings with warm colours.
At this moment the author was on the bank of a small pond in Sergiev Posad district and admired the play of light in the sky and on the ground.
In the foreground is the surface of the pond covered with ice of a special structure. It was formed due to the freezing of snowfall, and the result is a smooth matt surface resembling polished metal. The reflection of the shore and sky on this surface looked quite unusual, which made the author transfer it on the canvas.
The painting can be hung on the wall without a frame, the image is continued on the ends.
The actual colours may differ slightly from those shown on the screen due to different screen settings.
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Lebedev Vladimir
A shining moment in November
Lebedev Vladimir. A shining moment in November
1423 USD

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