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The old bastion is sleeping

Lebedev Vladimir. The old bastion is sleeping
canvas/mixed media 50cm x 40cm 2024

Price 184 USD

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Genre: Landscape
Publication date: 2024.12.28
Other artworks of the artist:
The silhouettes of an old fortification on the seashore are visible under the moonlight.
A turret with a pointed roof and spire is visible. Behind the bastion, the surface of the sea reflects the moonlight, slightly illuminating the walls.
An opening in the front wall and part of a narrow alleyway illuminated by a ghostly light can be seen.
The once formidable structure is now quietly slumbering in the night, waiting in the morning for new aliens - crowds of tourists.
The painting is done in acrylic and oil on canvas. It can be hung on the wall without a frame.
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