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Sunset at the mointain lake

Lebedev Vladimir. Sunset at the mointain lake
canvas/oil 50cm x 70cm 2024

Price 1423 USD

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Genre: Landscape
Publication date: 2024.12.26
Other artworks of the artist:
During a walk along the lakeshore, we were able to watch a magnificent sunset against the backdrop of an ancient extinct volcano.
The ripples on the surface of the water and the light of the setting sun created a bizarre picture where silver spots are interspersed with dark reflections of the mountain slopes. The sun is almost invisible due to the dense haze that scatters the light and creates a glowing effect.
At dusk everything already looks in muted colours, but the shining halo reflected in the water gives the impression that the lake is glowing with soft light.
The painting can be hung on the wall without a frame, the image goes on the ends.
Colours may vary slightly from those shown on screen due to different screen settings.
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Sunset at the mointain lake
Lebedev Vladimir. Sunset at the mointain lake
1423 USD

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