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Romantic sunset at the lake

Lebedev Vladimir. Romantic sunset at the lake
canvas/oil 50cm x 70cm 2024

Price 1423 USD

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Genre: Landscape
Publication date: 2024.11.05
Other artworks of the artist:
While walking along the shore of a mountain lake in France, we stopped to admire the sunset and make a quick sketch.
Suddenly we heard very beautiful music. A guy on the shore was playing something very gentle and melodious on his guitar, which saturated the landscape with the atmosphere of romance.
It is impossible to convey sounds on the canvas, only emotions from the marvellous view and wonderful music, which the author tried to do.
The picture can be hung on the wall without a frame, the image is continued on the ends.
The actual colours may differ slightly from the image on the screen due to different individual settings.

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