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The Sea. Cyprus

Malivani Diana. The Sea. Cyprus
canvas/oil 80cm x 120cm 2018

Price 1186 USD
2372 USD  

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Genre: Seascape
Publication date: 2020.04.10
Other artworks of the artist:
Collection «Selected Seascape Art»

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«Diana Malivani passionately conveys her effervescent personality through each graceful touch of paint to canvas and her use of texture manifests itself as a creative haven upon which she symbolically cultivates organic pastures that possess the ability to simultaneously induce calm and empower the viewer».

«Diana Malivani. Critical Analysis» by Timothy Warrington, Art Critic, 2019
(International Confederation of Art Critics. London, UK and Chianciano, Italy)

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For the Artist, seascapes represent an inexhaustible source of inspiration. A principal goal of artists depicting seascapes is to convey the «music of the sea». Diana Malivani believes that seascapes created on canvas should awaken in the soul of the viewer the desire not only to participate in the subject of the painting but also to hear the «music of the sea».

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More photos of the artwork as well as the relevant documents are available upon request
(close-up views, the artists signature, in-context photos, publication copies, certificate of authenticity etc.).
Malivani Diana
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After the rain
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Malivani Diana
Malivani Diana. Lilac
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