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Chusovaya. In the silence of October

Tyutina-Zaykova Ekaterina. Chusovaya. In the silence of October
canvas/oil 30cm x 40cm 2024
The artwork is framed

Price 201 USD

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Genre: Landscape
Style: Realism
Publication date: 2024.11.10
Other artworks of the artist:
Chusovaya in an oil painting. Painting from nature. The Ural landscape. A small-format autumn painting. A painting with a river, rocks and a forest. The Urals in oil painting. The Ural sights are depicted: the St. George Rocks and the Sentinel stone in the Pervouralsky district of the Sverdlovsk region
Tyutina-Zaykova Ekaterina
The Falcon Stone. Morning on Chusovaya
Tyutina-Zaykova Ekaterina. The Falcon Stone. Morning on Chusovaya
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On the Dam
Tyutina-Zaykova Ekaterina. On the Dam
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Tyutina-Zaykova Ekaterina
Chusovaya. In the silence of October
Tyutina-Zaykova Ekaterina. Chusovaya. In the silence of October
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Tyutina-Zaykova Ekaterina
Tyutina-Zaykova Ekaterina. Sleeplessness
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Tyutina-Zaykova Ekaterina
Alone with Chusova
Tyutina-Zaykova Ekaterina. Alone with Chusova
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Tyutina-Zaykova Ekaterina
Chusovsky boats. By the road to Pickles
Tyutina-Zaykova Ekaterina. Chusovsky boats. By the road to Pickles
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