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Akilbaev Amon

Painting (17 artworks)

The Kingdom of Proud Birds
Öàðñòâî Ãîðäûõ Ïòèö
Life's Measures
Ìåðèëà Æèçíè
My Hang-glider
Ìîé Äåëüòàïëàí
Goodbye Fall...
Ïðîùàé Îñåíü...


Amon Akilbaev ( ru. Àìîí Àêèëáàåâ, uz. Omon Aqilboev, born July 7, 1956) is an Uzbek painter from the Chinese city of Chuguchak (Tacheng) currently living in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Fleeing Mao Zedong’s persecution, his parents moved to Tashkent, the capital of then-Soviet Uzbekistan in 1962, when Amon was six. Amon finished school in 1974. That same year, he was drafted into the Soviet army.
Returning in 1976 as a sergeant, he enrolled at the P. Benkov Republican Art School, studying to become a painting and drafting instructor. In 1980, Amon continued his studies at the N. Ostrovsky Institute for Dramatic Arts in Tashkent, with a concentration in painting.

Graduating in 1987, Mr. Akilbaev worked at the G. Nizami State Pedagogical Institute in Tashkent, teaching drawing and painting. In 1990, he became an instructor at the Republican Vocational School of Fine and Applied Art.

Beginning that same year, Mr. Akilbaev began entering republican exhibitions, participating in 23 such events in all. In 1999, he became a member of The Academy of Arts of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

More than 30 of Amon Akilbaev’s paintings have been purchased by collectors in Uzbekistan, Germany, the United States, France, Israel and Russia.
Priputnikova Nataliya
Priputnikova Nataliya. Untitled
272 USD
Vyrvich Valentin
Timiryazevsky Forest
Vyrvich Valentin. Timiryazevsky Forest
534 USD
Burtsev Evgeny
Sketch with peonies
Burtsev Evgeny. Sketch with peonies
381 USD
Malykh Evgeny
Summer bouquet
Malykh Evgeny. Summer bouquet
239 USD
Charina Anna
Charina Anna. Untitled
272 USD
Kovalenko Lina
Forest bouquet
Kovalenko Lina. Forest bouquet
109 USD

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