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Spring stream in the forest

Korableva Elena. Spring stream in the forest
canvas/oil 23.1cm x 15.3cm 2024

Price 36 USD

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Genre: Landscape
Style: Realism
Publication date: 2024.12.26
Other artworks of the artist:
Painting spring landscape oil "Spring stream in the forest." is made to the internal size of the oval 23.1x15.5 cm
Painting materials: canvas on hardboard (!), oil.
Hardboard processing is double-sided. The work is moisture resistant.

Shipping at the buyers expense.

The painting can be installed in a frame. The cost of the frame is 550 rubles. Installation in the frame is free. Installation of hangers is also free.

Frame: plastic. The frame is cast from a mold.
The frame is made of cast liquid two-component polyurethane casting plastic of cold curing. (Durable, not fragile. This is not plaster.). Frame color: bronze paint. Color: gold.

Parcel packaging: regular film, bubble wrap or laminate backing, penoplex box. Reliable packaging, time-tested.

In the photographs: display in a frame, stage (process) of work, fragment.
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