I noticed this motive not far from the temple of Michael the Archangel, which I painted. And somehow, after the paintings, in the evening I came to paint a sketch with sheds and in the foreground a part of the already plowed land and a little cabbage with red flowers. Marigolds (Tagetes). These color combinations can only be seen in the fall. Soon, when I had almost finished the sketch, Nikolai came to me and took some pictures of me with a camera at work.
2021 Personal exhibition "Where does the Motherland begin" Chamzinka Museum of History and Local Lore. The Republic of Mordovia.
2024 The exhibition "Tail-wind". Museum and exhibition complex "Academy of Watercolor and Fine Arts of Sergey Andriaka". (Moscow)
2021 Personal exhibition "Where does the Motherland begin" Chamzinka Museum of History and Local Lore. The Republic of Mordovia.
2024 The exhibition "Tail-wind". Museum and exhibition complex "Academy of Watercolor and Fine Arts of Sergey Andriaka". (Moscow)