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Dobrovolsky Arthur

Painting (8 artworks)

Boats on Lake Koenigssee
Лодки на озере Кёнигсзее
Horse Portrait oil canvas
Портрет Лошади
House in the fields
Домик в полях
Portrait of Christina
Портрет Кристины

Copies (1 artworks)

Castle by the river with boats at the pier (copy of the painting by Jan Van Goyen)
Замок у реки с лодками у причала (копия картины Ян Ван Гойена)


Arthur Dobrovolsky was born in the westernmost region of Russia, the former East Prussia, in the city of Kaliningrad.
He studied at an art school, where the foundations of drawing and painting were laid.
He graduated from the University of Veliky Novgorod, an ancient Russian city, filled with magnificent examples of ancient Russian architecture. Received the profession of architect.
At the university, he studied drawing and painting for several years.

He participated in student exhibitions, where he exhibited his first works.
Litvinchuk Lyudmila
Living water. Mountain Belukha. Altai
Litvinchuk Lyudmila. Living water. Mountain Belukha. Altai
497 USD
Boev Sergey
Boev Sergey. Untitled
387 USD
Gayvoronskaya Elena
Zinnias or Majors
Gayvoronskaya Elena. Zinnias or Majors
165 USD
Tomilovskaya Ekaterina
In anticipation
Tomilovskaya Ekaterina. In anticipation
210 USD
Gribanov Igor
Gribanov Igor. Birch
331 USD
Braginsky Arthur
Heavenly silence,
Braginsky Arthur. Heavenly silence,
1739 USD

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