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Red Matrix

Author: Volchek Lika
Volchek Lika. Red Matrix
canvas/acrylic 160cm x 120cm 2019

Price 5251 USD

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Style: Abstract
Publication date: 2019.10.01
Other artworks of the artist:
Thinking, I often draw spirals and I have many pastel drawings on this subject. A spiral is a symbol of energy transfer. In this picture, it was interesting for me to minimalistly convey the image of the matrix transmitting energy.
The painting was published in the international magazine "Russian Gallery of the XXI Century", which is distributed in the most significant spaces of the world.
Pictures of this series were exhibited at the Museum of Nonconformist Art, at the Volgograd Museum of Fine Arts. Mashkov, in the Russian Museum of Ethnography, in the Museum. Pushkin, etc.
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