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The Union of fire and water #2

Author: Volchek Lika
Volchek Lika. The Union of fire and water #2
canvas/acrylic 60cm x 70cm 2019

Price 3611 USD

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Publication date: 2019.09.30
Other artworks of the artist:
Two passions, two elements, two souls.
Their meeting in life is not accidental
Amid the fuss of the universe
They submitted to the universe.
Yuri Inozemtsev

Pictures of this series were exhibited at the Museum of Nonconformist Art, at the Volgograd Museum of Fine Arts. Mashkov, in the Russian Museum of Ethnography, in the Museum. Pushkin, etc.
Volchek Lika
The Union of fire and water #2
Volchek Lika. The Union of fire and water #2
3611 USD
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Volchek Lika. Two fancy
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Volchek Lika. Clio and Calypso
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Volchek Lika
Volchek Lika. Together
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Volchek Lika
Volchek Lika. Dearness
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Volchek Lika
Spiritualization of the matter
Volchek Lika. Spiritualization of the matter
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