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Two fancy

Author: Volchek Lika
Volchek Lika. Two fancy
canvas/oil 70cm x 80cm 2014

Price 3199 USD

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Publication date: 2014.08.03
Other artworks of the artist:
Feeling shower
Your hand from my interlaced and mutual inspiration,
We ascended to the heights of the soul, trying to dream with reverence.
Beautiful, happy, and our union in a sunny glow
We suddenly became one soul in blissful revelation.
The painting was exhibited at the Museum of them. AS Pushkin St. Petersburg International Festival
can print
sketch for the painting
Volchek Lika
Volchek Lika. Together
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Volchek Lika
Two fancy
Volchek Lika. Two fancy
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Volchek Lika
Cleopatra and the infinity
Volchek Lika. Cleopatra and the infinity
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Volchek Lika
Spring call
Volchek Lika. Spring call
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Volchek Lika
Spiritualization of the matter
Volchek Lika. Spiritualization of the matter
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Volchek Lika
Volchek Lika. Dearness
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