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Cleopatra and the infinity

Author: Volchek Lika
Volchek Lika. Cleopatra and the infinity
canvas/oil 80cm x 60cm 2003

Price 3446 USD

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Genre: Nudes
Publication date: 2008.01.14
Other artworks of the artist:
The painting was exhibited at the Russian Museum of Ethnography, the Union of Artists of Russia (International Federation of Artists) and the galleries of St. Petersburg. (St. Petersburg) Published in the personal album artist "eternal feminine" in the album "Spiritual mission", etc. Used in a video installation "Neolitizm", which was shown at the Hermitage Theater in animation "The Road to Me", represented in the Union of Artists of Russia, in the Theater. VF Komissarjevskaya, the conservatory, in the House of Actors in the Central Exhibition Hall Manege (St. Petersburg), etc.
possible print on canvas

I - Cleopatra, I - the empress,
Metressa, Patroness, lioness,
Lands inexhaustible queen..
I - god, I - universal idol!..
All my life - for centuries ringing verse.
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