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Author: Volchek Lika
Volchek Lika. Demeter
canvas 200cm x 150cm 2007

Price 38628 USD

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Genre: Fantasy
Style: Abstract
Publication date: 2007.12.03
Other artworks of the artist:
Exhibited in the Museum of Nonconformist Art, in the Volgograd Museum of Fine Arts, etc.
  Used in a video installation "Neolitizm", which was shown in the theater of the Hermitage, in the Union of Artists (IFA), the Central Exhibition Hall "Manezh" St. Petersburg
Goddess of fertilityof the Hermitage, in

can print on canvas or paper
Volchek Lika
Two fancy
Volchek Lika. Two fancy
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Volchek Lika
Clio and Calypso
Volchek Lika. Clio and Calypso
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Volchek Lika
The Union of fire and water #2
Volchek Lika. The Union of fire and water #2
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Volchek Lika
Cleopatra and the infinity
Volchek Lika. Cleopatra and the infinity
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Volchek Lika
Red Matrix
Volchek Lika. Red Matrix
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Volchek Lika
Spring call
Volchek Lika. Spring call
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