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Dry grass ¹ 4

Podgaevskaya Marina. Dry grass ¹ 4
canvas/oil 90cm x 60cm 2023

Price 1897 USD

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Genre: Still life
Publication date: 2023.12.24
Other artworks of the artist:
The bright colors of autumn, the suns rays on the leaves and the ground, the delicate shades of the color of dry grass - all this prompted me to paint these impressionistic paintings.
A painting in the impressionist style will fit well into the interior of a house or apartment. This will be a bright spot that will complement the overall interior. The landscape will
look equally good in the interior of the kitchen, living room, bedroom, hall. And the large size of the painting, namely an impressionistic landscape, will be like the view from a window. If you want to give an original, exclusive gift to your friends, husband or wife, this will be an interesting idea!!
Collectors interested in impressionist landscapes can also find paintings here to decorate their collection.
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