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Simonova Olga. Seagulls
canvas/oil 120cm x 84cm 2024

Price 1126 USD

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Style: Realism
Publication date: 2024.02.10
Other artworks of the artist:
Original oil painting on canvas stretched on a stretcher. Two beautiful girls in white light dresses are standing on the forest, and seagulls are flying around. The girls are smiling happily, a warm summer day, a calm sea, a sea breeze, the picture exudes warmth and the joy of life.
The painting will decorate any interior, create the mood in the room, remind you of summer and the sea in cold winter, and will become a unique gift.
There is a single copy.
Not issued. At the buyers request, I can select a stylish frame for an additional fee.
Delivery throughout Russia in any way convenient for the buyer (Russian Post, Sdek, Dimex)
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