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Mikhailovsky Garden

Alexandrovsky Alexander. Mikhailovsky Garden
canvas/oil 30cm x 60cm 2007

Price 308 USD

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Style: Realism
Publication date: 2017.06.22
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Mikhailovsky Garden is one of the most famous and well-maintained parks in St. Petersburg. Located in the very center of the city. On the south side, the Mikhailovsky Garden adjoins the Mikhailovsky Palace (the main building of the Russian Museum), the buildings of the Ethnographic Museum and the Benois Wing. On the eastern side, the territory of the park is bounded by Sadovaya Street, on the northern side - by the Moika River, and on the western side - by the Griboyedov Canal. Near the northwestern part of the Mikhailovsky Garden is the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood. Mikhailovsky Garden is under the control of the State Russian Museum.
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