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El-Safadi Victor

El-Safadi Victor
Registration 2016.10.03
ArtNow rating:
     - painting: 378
     - graphics: 423
     - copies: 142

Painting (14 artworks)

Barista with Turk
Бариста с туркой

Graphics (117 artworks)

St. Petersburg crab
Петербургский краб
Owl Tea
Чай для совы
First snow
Первый снег
Smoking Toad
Курящая жаба

Copies (4 artworks)

Portrait (copy from Rubens)
Портрет (копия с Рубенса)
Портрет Мавра (копия)
Фрагмент "Девятый вал" копия с Айвазовского
Forest. Shishkin (copy)
Лес. Шишкин (копия)


El Safadi Victor
Graphic artist, member of the Union of Artists of St. Petersburg (UCHR) and IFA (Creative Union of Artists). He was educated at the Art and Aesthetic Lyceum No. 190 at the Academy. Baron A.L. Stieglitz, then graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Fine Arts with a degree in easel graphics, studied at the workshops at the Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts (ALBA). Participated in many exhibitions and projects at museums, among them one can distinguish - an exhibition-project in the General Staff Building of the Hermitage “Form and Text”, an exhibition in the New Tretyakov Gallery, in the Erarta Museum of Contemporary Art “Voice of Cities”, exhibitions within the walls of the Suvorov museum, the Artillery Museum, the Naval Museum, and the Artmuz exhibition center. The paintings were exhibited in many galleries, art centers, halls of the Union of Artists and other exhibition spaces in Russia and abroad.
The paintings are in private collections in Russia, England, USA, Israel, Germany, Sweden, UAE, France and other countries.
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