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They Who Run

Malivani Diana. They Who Run
canvas/oil 70cm x 100cm 2018
Not available
e-mail to the artist
Genre: Animal
Publication date: 2020.04.11
Other artworks of the artist:
Collection «People, Animals, and Birds»

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The artwork is held in a private collection in Belgium.

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«The captivating combination of artistic techniques adopted by Malivani provokes deep intrigue and curiosity in the spectator, who is charmed by the sophisticated and inviting aura as each painting evokes the blissful and uplifting spirit and hopefulness of nature».

«Diana Malivani. Critical Analysis» by Timothy Warrington, Art Critic, 2019
(International Confederation of Art Critics. London, UK & Chianciano, Italy)

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More photos of the artwork as well as the relevant documents are available upon request
(close-up views, the artists signature, in-context photos, publication copies, certificate of authenticity etc.).
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