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Thunderstorm in Lopatino

Author: Kozhin Simon
Kozhin Simon. Thunderstorm in Lopatino
oil 30cm x 40cm 2023
The artwork is framed

Price 3879 USD

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Genre: Landscape
Publication date: 2024.05.13
Other artworks of the artist:
I saw the motif with the old bathhouse from the road and decided to paint it with an approaching thunderstorm. In this oil study, painted from life in a couple of hours, I captured the dynamic interaction of an approaching storm with the calm of a rural landscape. The sun occasionally broke through the leaden clouds. The moody sky, a swirl of gray hues, conveys the powerful energy of nature, while the cute village nestles among vibrant greens and earthy tones, a testament to the enduring spirit. This scene is imbued with the tension and beauty that precedes a natural storm, inviting the viewer to feel the anticipation and awe of such moments. Placing this piece of art in your interior will fill the space with an evocative blend of serenity and the sublime power of nature.
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