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Shishelov Igor

Painting (200 artworks)

Под сенью ив
Goloustnaya. Burhay
Голоустная. Бурхай
Reflections of Oltrek Island
Отражения Ольтрека

Graphics (64 artworks)

Over the lake
Над озером
Maloe Sea
Малое море
At the foot of hills
У подножия
Dawn of the Hamar-Daban
Заря над Хамар-Дабаном

Decor (21 artworks)

Tales Berendey
Сказки Берендея
Golden eagle
Shaman's Flight
Полет шамана

Copies (2 artworks)

A copy of the icon of "St. John the Theologian and Prokhor" Beginning of the XV century. Novgorod school
Копия иконы "Иоанн Богослов и Прохор" Начало XV века. Новгородская школа


I was born in Vladivostok in the family of a naval officer. He graduated from musical and art schools, architecture faculty of Irkutsk State Technical University, where in 1981 he began teacher's career.

On winter 1988-89 he'd traineeship in the house of art "Baikal" with youth stream. Since 1989 he engaged in painting and graphics professionally, by leaving the job and service.

My creativity type was formed by native city, Irkutsk where I'm living from my childhood and by Baikal village Nizhnii Kochergat where my workshop is. Thirst for romance and the search for exciting and completing today entirely realized in the art. Remain faith to the traditions of Russian realistic school, I'm interested in Siberian and East culture. I try to "carry my cross" easily and with dignity. Now I'm freelance writer who loves Russia and his small homeland "southern Baikal region".

I'm participant of exhibitions: of Siberian artists in Ulan Bator in 1988, in London in 1993. And also I'm regular participant of regional art exhibitions.

My works are in private collections in Russia, Japan, China, Korea, the UK, USA and France.
Kurochkin Gennady
Kurochkin Gennady. Tulips
331 USD
Bruno Tina
Present for you
Bruno Tina. Present for you
188 USD
Afanaseva Dariya
Afanaseva Dariya. Twilight
431 USD
663 USD
Paroshin Vladimir
The poet and the Muse
Paroshin Vladimir. The poet and the Muse
1880 USD
Gvildis Vera
Gvildis Vera. Cleopatra
884 USD
Kogay Zhanna
Peonies. Tenderness
Kogay Zhanna. Peonies. Tenderness
597 USD

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