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Tyutina-Zaykova Ekaterina

Tyutina-Zaykova Ekaterina
Registration 2018.12.10
ArtNow rating:
     - painting: 707
     - copies: 167

Painting (112 artworks)

Evening city. Ekaterinburg
Вечерний город. Екатеринбург
Bouquet of May
Букет мая
The first greenery at the 1905 Square
Первая зелень у Площади 1905 года
Golden morning. Opera House
Золотое утро. Оперный театр

Copies (5 artworks)

View of Delft. Copy. Jan Vermeer
Вид Делфта. Копия. Ян Вермеер
Flowering branches of almonds. Van Gogh. Copy
Цветущие ветки миндаля. Ван Гог. Копия
Village fair. Copy. Jan Brueghel
Сельская ярмарка. Копия. Ян Брейгель
By the forest lake. A copy of Arseny Meshchersky
У лесного озера. Копия Мещерского Арсения


Ekaterina tyutina-Zaikova was born in 1982 in the village of lake Rezhevskoy district, Sverdlovsk region. She graduated with honors from the professional Lyceum as a graphic designer and from the professional pedagogical College in Moscow. Yekaterinburg, faculty of decorative and applied arts. Graduated from the Russian state vocational pedagogical University with a red diploma in art design. She studied in the Studio of the Shadr school. Ekaterina is a hard-working, disciplined person who devotes a lot of time to self-education and practice, constantly improves in painting techniques, takes part in city, regional and international art projects. Conducts master classes. Prefers easel painting (landscape and portrait genres). In 2016. The administration of Yekaterinburg purchased a collection of city landscapes from the artist of 165 paintings. Catherine's hand painted more than 150 portraits to order. Catherine's hand painted more than 150 portraits to order. The works are located in the USA, Germany, France, the Czech Republic, Canada and in many parts of Russia.

"… She manages to see in this world, first of all, beauty and kindness. It today rare and valuable quality. Even when Ekaterina Tyutina-Zaykova writes some very simple, absolutely household scene, for example preparation of firewood, it all the same turns out vital. You look and almost physically you feel a smell of sawdust, the fresh and invigorating rural air and even warmly not cooled down Russian furnace in the house near which the woodpile umastitsya…" Dolganova S.V. member of the international association of art critics
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Krasnova Nina. Behind the waterfall
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Rodries Jose. Poppies and herbs
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