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Mishchenko-Sapsay Svetlana

Painting (420 artworks)

Pride and prejudice
Гордость и предубеждение
The philosopher, or why don't cats fly like bumblebees?
Философ, или почему коты не летают как шмели?

Graphics (18 artworks)

Питер мунк в тайной комнате(иллюстрация к сказке В.Гауфа ХОЛОДНОЕСЕРДЦЕ)
Петер Мунк и Стекляшечник
Питер Мунк и глухарь

Dolls (9 artworks)

прекрасная Маня

Icons (2 artworks)

The joy of all joys
Радость всех радостей
The joy of all joys
Радость всех радостей

Art glass (31 artworks)

Осенний вальс
Maple leaf (fragment)
Листь клена (фрагмент)
Листья осени (фрагмент)
Lemonade set
Набор для лимонада

Wall painting (3 artworks)

Карнавал (роспись стен)
Карнавал (фрагмент)
Карта 1570 г., составленная Абрахамом Ортелиусом (эскиз к фреске)

Decor (44 artworks)

For your beloved
Для любимой
Sock bouquet (custom items)
Носочный букет (Кастомайзинг)
Christmas tree of happiness
Елка счастья
Spring (modular composition)
Весна (модульная композиция)

Copies (1 artworks)

Портрет Арсения


I was born on August 26, 197* year, in the small town of Perm region In 1993 he moved to live in the city of Togliatti. Graduated from the University in 1999 the faculty of fine arts, before he graduated from College with a degree of painter-decorator. Since 1999, working as an interior designer. Have more than 60 commissioned objects, apartments, rooms, cottages, etc. From childhood I am engaged in painting, LMPaintings are as always a lot and sing, only technique I use more complex and different, aging and gilding, solid paste.
In April 2011. I organized my personal exhibition in gallery "Art-Plaza"
in September 2011. I participated in the contest dolls "From Hobbies to craftsmanship", took the first place in the nomination "Master".
In December 2011. I was accepted in the Union of artists of Russia.
In February 2012. opened my personal exhibition in the business center "Rusich".
adopted in November 2012. participation in the contest-festival, street art, took the second place.
in December received the title of "woman of the year" in nominacii culture and art.
G. became a member of the creative Union of artists of Russia.
01 on 12.04.2014 personal exhibition dekorREв Samara, gallery New Space
with 14.12.14 g on 15.02.15 g, exhibition, Moscow, Gostiny Dvor
with 12.01.15 g, 31.01.15, solo exhibition, Encouraging the Samara region
08-15 November 2015 at the International exhibition-contest of contemporary art
"Russian Art Week" (Russian Art Week) took first and second place in the nomination EXPERIMENTAL PAINTING
with 13.11.15-15.11.15 participated in the art Fair "ArtExpoSPb 2015"in St. Petersburg.
part exhibition project "Carnival in London in 2016, " took the 3rd place
2016. participation in the traveling exhibition "On the banks of the Volga" Samara Branch of the Russian Union of Artists
with 13.05.2016-27.05.2016g. solo exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod, the gallery gallery Art52
08.04.2016-05.06.206g. participation in the exhibition Tolyatinskogo Art Museum, insomnia
winner of the competition and the exhibition project "LIFE-genre development" dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the birth PPKonchalovsky 2016. organized VOLGA art gallery
28.09.6-28.10.16-personal exhibition in the House of Culture "BEAM" Samara (Zubchaninovka)
07.10.16-17.10.16.-part in "ARTKULTURA - MILANO 2016" took 1st and 2nd place
18.11.16-11.12.16- finalist and participated in the exhibition of works by the finalists competition and exhibition project Volga art gallery "Still life in the open air" in Togliatti.
27.11.16- 01.08.17, participated in the exhibition project "WORLDS PARAJANOV EYES
Valdem Rayan
Lady with a glass
Valdem Rayan. Lady with a glass
544 USD
Chizhova Viktoria
Bright twilight
Chizhova Viktoria. Bright twilight
490 USD
Poluyan Yelena
In the summer by the sea
Poluyan Yelena. In the summer by the sea
1634 USD
Malyusova Tatiana
Road in the forest
Malyusova Tatiana. Road in the forest
326 USD
Podgaevskaya Marina
Garden at Giverny № 3
Podgaevskaya Marina. Garden at Giverny № 3
872 USD
1743 USD
Alexandrovsky Alexander
Uglich, Ascension Monastery
Alexandrovsky Alexander. Uglich, Ascension Monastery
299 USD

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