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Khinveli Kakha

Painting (73 artworks)

Night watchman
Ночной сторож
The Queen of Birds
Королева птиц
My city
Мой город
Срарый тбилиси

Graphics (10 artworks)

Galaktion Tabidze
Галактион Табидзе

Icons (12 artworks)

Archangels Michael and Gabriel
Архангелы Михаил и Гавриил
The entriof ourlord into Jerusalem
Вход в Иерусалим

Decor (37 artworks)

Старый Тбилиси
Старый Тбилиси
My city
Мой город
Старый Тбилиси

Copies (3 artworks)

Madonna Lita
Мадонна Лита
Mona Lisa
Мона Лиза


born in tbilisi 24-8-1962. in1982-1987studiertin tbilisi state academy of arts. Since 1990 year is the member of the artists unions. exhibision: 1988 tbilisi. 1990 vienna, austria. 1991shorndorf, germany. 1991 hambruken, germany. 1991 bruhzel, germany. 1992 international centr, moscow, russia. 1993 sheraton metekhi palase, tbilisi.-personal exhibition. 1993 central house of arts, moskow, russia. 1993 international university of people's frindship, moskow, russia. 1994galeri na salianke, moskow, russia. 1995 tbilisi central salon of arts-personal exhibition. 1996 shorndorf, germany 2007 the us embassy. tbilisi, georgia. 2008 the us embassy. tbilisi.2009 the us embassy. tbilisi. georgia.2011 the us embassy.tbilisi.georgia.
his works are preserved in various private collections in france, mexico, usa, germany, russia, serbia, belgium, holand, italy, israel, greece, arabia and many other countries.
in 1992-93 years worked in TV company "ibervision"
in 1993-94 vived an worked in moscow.
in 1995-2004 worked in state TV corporation on channel 1; used to make designs for various TV programs.
currently cooperates with several art galleries.his biography is included in the bibliography lexicon on modern georgian artist and masters of art.his articles are published in various magazines and newspapers.he is the owner of warious awards and diplomas.

Merkulova Tatyana
Forgotten Friend
Merkulova Tatyana. Forgotten Friend
229 USD
Chistyakov Yuri
The Holy Week. What is the true?
Chistyakov Yuri. The Holy Week. What is the true?
2157 USD
Aronov Aleksey
Aronov Aleksey. Untitled
438 USD
Dupree Brian
Following the wind
Dupree Brian. Following the wind
1078 USD
Boev Sergey
Boev Sergey. Untitled
383 USD
Dzhanilyatti Antonio
Dzhanilyatti Antonio. Lilac
306 USD

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