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Tihomirova Kseniya

Painting (16 artworks)

European stag beetle (Lucanus cervus)
Cichorium intybus
Цикорий обыкновенный
Rose "Rhapsody in Blue"
Роза "Голубая рапсодия"
Pseudomuscari coeruleum
Ложномускари голубой (Pseudomuscari coeruleum)

Graphics (1 artworks)

Tulipa "Blue Diamond"
Тюльпан "Blue Diamond"


My name is Ksenia Tikhomirova, I live in Moscow, Russia. Since childhood, I loved to draw, from 8 to 13 years old I studied at the art school and graduated with honors but then there was a break that lasted for many years.

During this time, I graduated from the Chemistry Department of Moscow State University, defended my Ph.D. thesis in organic chemistry and became a scientist. But all these years I dreamed of returning to my passion again. And in 2018, after the birth of my second child, my dream finally came true: I began to study watercolor painting and from that moment I found inner harmony again, found a part of myself. It was watercolor that always attracted me, but it also seemed to be the most complex technique. Independent attempts to return to drawing brought only disappointment, so I started with studying on a large online watercolor course, and then continued to study on my own through many online lessons and master classes by different artists, I practiced really a lot, I painted every day.

It gave the result: I drew better and better every day. I won more than 15 times in different online art competitions and marathons, including international.

I tried different watercolor techniques and genres, but finally I realized that nature inspires me the most: flowers, birds, insects.

Most of all I love realistic depiction of the beauty of the nature with maximum details.

In April 2020 I became a member of SABA (Society of Russian Botanical Artists) and every day I fall more and more in love with botanical art. I hope this love is felt in my paintings.
Zhaldak Edward
Zhaldak Edward. Tuscany
490 USD
Shpak Vycheslav
Shpak Vycheslav. Torpedo
152 USD
Shatskaya Olga
Shatskaya Olga. Untitled
785 USD
Korotkov Valentin
Portrait of a woman
Korotkov Valentin. Portrait of a woman
3271 USD
Shchupak Victor
Shchupak Victor. Untitled
163 USD
Minaev Sergey
Morning in a Pine Forest
Minaev Sergey. Morning in a Pine Forest
381 USD

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