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Belozerova Oksana

Painting (11 artworks)

Rustic Still Life
Äåðåâåíñêèé íàòþðìîðò
Forest (based on the picture of Shishkin)
Ëåñ (ïî ìîòèâàì êàðòèíû Øèøêèíà)


A native settlement Soweto. Born on 8 may 1985. The mother of two beautiful sons. Received a law degree. Any creative merits have not. Painting beginning in February 2015. Perhaps the official part for this topic)) I consider myself a novice artist and now actively learning. A creative childhood is just amazing! Absorb the flow of new information, trying, looking, discover new properties of paint and new side of the soul… And the soul is perhaps the most important thing! The world around us is so beautiful, sometimes it takes your breath away when you see the sky, beautiful tree, fog… you name it! One is left wondering what are people who can not see the sky, hear birds singing, even cutting down trees to fall leaves not to sweep…. There is a story : "a fly said
- Where are the flower beds?
- There are no flower beds, and some garbage!
The bee asked:
- Where's the garbage?
There's some flower!" Every day, every minute chooses who he was a fly or a bee. I want to wish everyone, be bees. Hard. You need to develop the soul, lead it to do good, to love, to God. In this way, and talent opens! As if an angel leads a hand and gives you the opportunity, through creativity to attract people to the beauty of this world! Probably why I have chosen realism as the direction of his work. Most of all, I want to write so that looking at the painting people can feel the mood…the lapping of water, smell of grass, the sound of rain… I'd be very grateful if I will get. Dear aspiring artists, believe in yourself, if you want, you will succeed! It doesn't need art education, how many talented artists I find on the Internet and every time I found out that this is a self-taught, we see that for man nothing is impossible!
Vevers Christina
Abstract with a flower
Vevers Christina. Abstract with a flower
1151 USD
Komarov Nickolay
Komarov Nickolay. Untitled
3258 USD
Konevskih Konstantin
Konevskih Konstantin. Forget-me-nots
65 USD
Malyusova Tatiana
Malyusova Tatiana. Ships
217 USD
Tarasenko Valeriy
Tarasenko Valeriy. Valkyrie
10645 USD
Smirnov Sergey
March evening in St. Petersburg
Smirnov Sergey. March evening in St. Petersburg
592 USD

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