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Ангел любви

Картина маслом на холсте. Зеньчик Эдуард. Ангел любви
холст/масло 150см x 100см 2021 г.
Картины нет в наличии
Письмо для художника
Жанр: Портрет
Стиль: Символизм
Опубликовано: 4 марта 2021 г.
Другие работы автора:
Welcome to the world of art. Painting on canvas, canvas on stretcher, stretcher thickness of 2.5 cm, sides painted, can be exposed without a frame.

Favorite artists include Banksy, Alex Colville, Rudolf Stingel, Jeff Koons, Andreas Gursky, Gerhard Richter, Francis Bacon, Pat Steir, Yayoi Kusama.

EDUARD ZENTSIK Painter, photographer, graphic artist, designer, author of installations, performances and musical improvisations. Organizer of youth exhibitions and projects. For over years of creativity had more than a hundred personal exhibitions and took part in numerous joint projects. Participant and winner of international Photographic and Art competitions. Numerous works are in private collections around the world.

UNESCO Artists Association. Membership of CFA. Member of the Estonian Association of Artists. Member of the Photographers Union in Estonia. Member of the Russian Artists Union in Estonia. Member of the Union Painters of Estonia.

1995 year – member of avant-garde artistic projects. 1996-1997 year – personal classes in art studio. 1998 year – accepted into the closed club of artists "April". 2000-2004 year – study at the Art Academy of Estonia. Freelance artist since 2006 year.
Ключевые слова: zentsik
Средняя оценка: замечательно (голосов: 3)
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