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Картина маслом на холсте. Маливани Диана. Луг
холст/масло 42см x 30см 2018 г.
Картины нет в наличии
Письмо для художника
Жанр: Пейзаж
Опубликовано: 11 апреля 2020 г.
Другие работы автора:
Collection «Selected Landscape Art»

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The artwork is held in a private collection in Finland.

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«In regard to Malivanis landscapes, an influence from Thodore Rousseau and the Nineteenth Century French Realists can be observed particularly in the coruscating array of colours utilised in the scintillating skies of the paintings. Gentle pinks, blues and oranges ebb over the canvas to convey the magnificent horizon in every season and time of day».

«Diana Malivani. Critical Analysis» by Timothy Warrington, Art Critic, 2019
(International Confederation of Art Critics. London, UK and Chianciano, Italy)

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For the Artist, landscapes represent an inexhaustible source of inspiration. A principal goal of artists depicting landscapes is to convey the music of nature. Diana Malivani believes that landscapes created on canvas should awaken in the soul of the viewer the desire not only to participate in the subject of the painting but also to hear the «music of the landscape».

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More photos of the artwork are available on request
(close-up views, the artists signature, in-context photos, publication copies, certificate of authenticity etc.).
Средняя оценка: без оценки (голосов: 0)
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