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Картина маслом на холсте. Маливани Диана. Маки
холст/масло 60см x 60см 2017 г.
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Цена 40000 руб.

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Письмо для художника
Опубликовано: 18 октября 2020 г.
Другие работы автора:
Collection «Flowers, Trees & Garden»

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«Malivanis deep affinity to nature is also shared with the Pre-Raphaelites, notable through her predilection for painting serene and harmonious figures alongside an resplendent nature and blossoming flowers; this propensity reflects a philosophical connection with Sir John Everett Millais and John William Waterhouse».

«Diana Malivani. Critical Analysis» by Timothy Warrington, Art Critic, 2019
(International Confederation of Art Critics. London, UK and Chianciano, Italy)

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For the Artist, flowers represent an inexhaustible source of inspiration. A principal goal of artists depicting flowers is to convey the aroma of a painted flower, its unique «soul». Diana Malivani believes that flowers «grown on canvas» should awaken in the human soul a sense of beauty, an awareness of the unity of all things hidden from us by time.

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More photos of the artwork as well as the relevant documents are available upon request
(close-up views, the artists signature, in-context photos, publication copies, certificate of authenticity etc.).
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